
EigenSolvers is a Quantica submodule containing several pre-defined eigensolvers. The alias ES can be used in place of EigenSolvers. Currently supported solvers are

ES.LinearAlgebra(; kw...)       # Uses `eigen(mat; kw...)` from the `LinearAlgebra` package
ES.Arpack(; kw...)              # Uses `eigs(mat; kw...)` from the `Arpack` package (WARNING: Arpack is not thread-safe)
ES.KrylovKit(params...; kw...)  # Uses `eigsolve(mat, params...; kw...)` from the `KrylovKit` package
ES.ArnoldiMethod(; kw...)       # Uses `partialschur(mat; kw...)` from the `ArnoldiMethod` package

Additionally, to compute interior eigenvalues, we can use a shift-invert method around energy ϵ0 (uses LinearMaps and a LinearSolve.lu factorization), combined with any solver s from the list above:

ES.ShiftInvert(s, ϵ0)           # Perform a lu-based shift-invert with solver `s`

If the required packages are not already available, they will be automatically loaded when calling these solvers.


julia> h = HP.graphene(t0 = 1) |> supercell(10);

julia> spectrum(h, (0,0); solver = ES.ShiftInvert(ES.ArnoldiMethod(nev = 4), 0.0)) |> energies
4-element Vector{ComplexF64}:
 -0.3819660112501042 + 2.407681231060336e-16im
 -0.6180339887498942 - 2.7336317916863215e-16im
  0.6180339887498937 - 1.7243387890744497e-16im
  0.3819660112501042 - 1.083582785131051e-16im

See also

`spectrum`, `bands`

ExternalPresets is a Quantica submodule containing utilities to import objects from external applications The alias EP can be used in place of ExternalPresets. Currently supported importers are

EP.wannier90(args...; kw...)

For details on the arguments args and keyword arguments kw see the docstring for the corresponding function.

See also

`LatticePresets`, `RegionPresets`, `HamiltonianPresets`

GreenSolvers is a Quantica submodule containing several pre-defined Green function solvers. The alias GS can be used in place of GS. Currently supported solvers and their possible keyword arguments are

  • GS.SparseLU() : Direct inversion solver for 0D Hamiltonians using a SparseArrays.lu(hmat) factorization
  • GS.Spectrum(; spectrum_kw...) : Diagonalization solver for 0D Hamiltonians using spectrum(h; spectrum_kw...)
    • spectrum_kw... : keyword arguments passed on to spectrum
    • This solver does not accept ParametricHamiltonians. Convert to Hamiltonian with h(; params...) first. Contact self-energies that depend on parameters are supported.
  • GS.Schur(; boundary = Inf) : Solver for 1D Hamiltonians based on a deflated, generalized Schur factorization
    • boundary : 1D cell index of a boundary cell, or Inf for no boundaries. Equivalent to removing that specific cell from the lattice when computing the Green function.
  • GS.KPM(; order = 100, bandrange = missing, kernel = I) : Kernel polynomial method solver for 0D Hamiltonians
    • order : order of the expansion in Chebyshev polynomials Tₙ(h) of the Hamiltonian h (lowest possible order is n = 0).
    • bandrange : a (min_energy, max_energy)::Tuple interval that encompasses the full band of the Hamiltonian. If missing, it is computed automatically.
    • kernel : generalization that computes momenta as μₙ = Tr[Tₙ(h)*kernel], so that the local density of states (see ldos) becomes the density of the kernel operator.
    • This solver does not allow arbitrary indexing of the resulting g::GreenFunction, only on contacts g[contact_ind::Integer]. If the system has none, we can add a dummy contact using attach(h, nothing; sites...), see attach.
  • GS.Bands(bands_arguments; boundary = missing, bands_kw...): solver based on the integration of bandstructure simplices
    • bands_arguments: positional arguments passed on to bands
    • bands_kw: keyword arguments passed on to bands
    • boundary: either missing (no boundary), or dir => cell_pos (single boundary), where dir::Integer is the Bravais vector normal to the boundary, and cell_pos::Integer the value of cell indices cells[dir] that define the boundary (i.e. cells[dir] <= cell_pos are vaccum)
    • This solver only allows zero or one boundary. WARNING: if a boundary is used, the algorithm may become unstable for very fine band meshes.

HamiltonianPresets is a Quantica submodule containing several pre-defined Hamiltonians. The alias HP can be used in place of HamiltonianPresets. Currently supported hamiltonians are

HP.graphene(; kw...)
HP.twisted_bilayer_graphene(; kw...)

For details on the keyword arguments kw see the corresponding docstring

julia> HamiltonianPresets.twisted_bilayer_graphene(twistindices = (30, 1))
Hamiltonian{Float64,3,2}: Hamiltonian on a 2D Lattice in 3D space
  Bloch harmonics  : 7
  Harmonic size    : 11164 × 11164
  Orbitals         : [1, 1, 1, 1]
  Element type     : scalar (ComplexF64)
  Onsites          : 0
  Hoppings         : 315684
  Coordination     : 28.27696

See also

`LatticePresets`, `RegionPresets`, `ExternalPresets`

LatticePresets is a Quantica submodule containing several pre-defined lattices. The alias LP can be used in place of LatticePresets. Currently supported lattices are

LP.linear(; a0 = 1, kw...)      # linear lattice in 1D
LP.square(; a0 = 1, kw...)      # square lattice in 2D
LP.triangular(; a0 = 1, kw...)  # triangular lattice in 2D
LP.honeycomb(; a0 = 1, kw...)   # honeycomb lattice in 2D
LP.cubic(; a0 = 1, kw...)       # cubic lattice in 3D
LP.fcc(; a0 = 1, kw...)         # face-centered-cubic lattice in 3D
LP.bcc(; a0 = 1, kw...)         # body-centered-cubic lattice in 3D
LP.hcp(; a0 = 1, kw...)         # hexagonal-closed-packed lattice in 3D

In all cases a0 denotes the lattice constant, and kw... are extra keywords forwarded to lattice.


julia> LatticePresets.honeycomb(names = (:C, :D))
Lattice{Float64,2,2} : 2D lattice in 2D space
  Bravais vectors : [[0.5, 0.866025], [-0.5, 0.866025]]
  Sublattices     : 2
    Names         : (:C, :D)
    Sites         : (1, 1) --> 2 total per unit cell

julia> LatticePresets.cubic(bravais = ((1, 0), (0, 2)))
Lattice{Float64,3,2} : 2D lattice in 3D space
  Bravais vectors : [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 2.0, 0.0]]
  Sublattices     : 1
    Names         : (:A,)
    Sites         : (1,) --> 1 total per unit cell

See also

`RegionPresets`, `HamiltonianPresets`, `ExternalPresets`

RegionPresets is a Quantica submodule containing several pre-defined regions of type Region{E}, where E is the space dimension. The alias RP can be used in place of RegionPresets. Supported regions are

RP.circle(radius = 10, center = (0, 0))                         # 2D
RP.ellipse((rx, ry) = (10, 15), center = (0, 0))                # 2D
RP.square(side = 10, center = (0, 0))                           # 2D
RP.rectangle((sx, sy) = (10, 15), center = (0, 0))              # 2D
RP.sphere(radius = 10, center = (0, 0, 0))                      # 3D
RP.spheroid((rx, ry, rz) = (10, 15, 20), center = (0, 0, 0))    # 3D
RP.cube(side = 10, center = (0, 0, 0))                          # 3D
RP.cuboid((sx, sy, sz) = (10, 15, 20), center = (0, 0, 0))      # 3D

Calling a f::Region{E} object on a r::Tuple or r::SVector with f(r) or f(r...) returns true or false if r is inside the region or not. Note that only the first E coordinates of r will be checked. Arbitrary boolean functions can also be wrapped in Region{E} to create custom regions, e.g. f = Region{2}(r -> r[1]^2 < r[2]).

Boolean combinations of Regions are supported using &, |, xor and ! operators, such as annulus = RP.circle(10) & !RP.circle(5).


julia> RegionPresets.circle(10)(20, 0, 0)

julia> RegionPresets.circle(10)(0, 0, 20)

See also

`LatticePresets`, `HamiltonianPresets`, `ExternalPresets`
BoxIterator(seed::SVector{N,Int}; maxiterations = TOOMANYITERS)

Cartesian iterator iter over SVector{N,Int}s (cells) that starts at seed and grows outwards in the form of a box of increasing sides (not necesarily equal) until it encompasses a certain N-dimensional region. To signal that a cell is in the desired region the user calls acceptcell!(iter, cell).

OrbitalSliceArray <: AbstractArray

A type of AbstractArray defined over a set of orbitals (see also orbaxes). It wraps a regular array that can be obtained with parent(::OrbitalSliceArray), and supports all the general AbstractArray interface. In addition, it also supports indexing using siteselectors and cellindices. OrbitalSliceVector and OrbitalSliceMatrix are special cases of OrbitalSliceArray of dimension 1 and 2 respectively.

This is the common output type produced by GreenFunctions and most observables.

Note that for m::OrbitalSliceMatrix, mat[i] is equivalent to mat[i,i], and mat[; sel...] is equivalent to mat[(; sel...), (; sel...)].

siteselector indexing

mat[(; rowsites...), (; colsites...)]
mat[rowsel::SiteSelector, colsel::SiteSelector]

If we index an OrbitalSliceMatrix with s::NamedTuple or a siteselector(; s...), we obtain a new OrbitalSliceMatrix over the orbitals of the selected sites.

sites indexing

mat[sites(cell_index, site_indices)]
mat[sites(row_cell_index, row_site_indices), sites(col_cell_index, col_site_indices)]

If we index an OrbitalSliceMatrix with sites, we obtain an unwrapped Matrix over the sites with site_indices within cell with cell_index. Here site_indices can be an Int, a container of Int, or a : (for all sites in the unit cell). If any of the specified sites are not already in orbaxes(mat), indexing will throw an error.

Note that in this case we do not obtain a new OrbitalSliceMatrix. This behavior is required for performance, as re-wrapping in a new OrbitalSliceMatrix requires recomputing and allocating the new orbaxes.

view(mat, rows::CellSites, cols::Cellsites = rows)

Like the above, but returns a view instead of a copy of the indexed orbital matrix.

Note: diagonal indexing is currently not supported by OrbitalSliceArray.


julia> g = LP.linear() |> hamiltonian(hopping(SA[0 1; 1 0]) + onsite(I), orbitals = 2) |> supercell(4) |> greenfunction;

julia> mat = g(0.2)[region = r -> 2<=r[1]<=4]
6×6 OrbitalSliceMatrix{Matrix{ComplexF64}}:
 -1.93554e-9-0.545545im          0.0-0.0im               0.0-0.0im              -0.5+0.218218im          0.4+0.37097im           0.0+0.0im
         0.0-0.0im       -1.93554e-9-0.545545im         -0.5+0.218218im          0.0-0.0im               0.0+0.0im               0.4+0.37097im
         0.0-0.0im              -0.5+0.218218im  -1.93554e-9-0.545545im          0.0-0.0im               0.0+0.0im              -0.5+0.218218im
        -0.5+0.218218im          0.0-0.0im               0.0-0.0im       -1.93554e-9-0.545545im         -0.5+0.218218im          0.0+0.0im
         0.4+0.37097im           0.0+0.0im               0.0+0.0im              -0.5+0.218218im  -1.93554e-9-0.545545im          0.0-0.0im
         0.0+0.0im               0.4+0.37097im          -0.5+0.218218im          0.0+0.0im               0.0-0.0im       -1.93554e-9-0.545545im

julia> mat[(; cells = SA[1]), (; cells = SA[0])]
2×4 OrbitalSliceMatrix{Matrix{ComplexF64}}:
 0.4+0.37097im  0.0+0.0im       0.0+0.0im       -0.5+0.218218im
 0.0+0.0im      0.4+0.37097im  -0.5+0.218218im   0.0+0.0im

julia> mat[sites(SA[1], 1)]
2×2 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
 -1.93554e-9-0.545545im          0.0-0.0im
         0.0-0.0im       -1.93554e-9-0.545545im

See also

`siteselector`, `cellindices`, `orbaxes`
OrbitalSliceArray <: AbstractArray

A type of AbstractArray defined over a set of orbitals (see also orbaxes). It wraps a regular array that can be obtained with parent(::OrbitalSliceArray), and supports all the general AbstractArray interface. In addition, it also supports indexing using siteselectors and cellindices. OrbitalSliceVector and OrbitalSliceMatrix are special cases of OrbitalSliceArray of dimension 1 and 2 respectively.

This is the common output type produced by GreenFunctions and most observables.

Note that for m::OrbitalSliceMatrix, mat[i] is equivalent to mat[i,i], and mat[; sel...] is equivalent to mat[(; sel...), (; sel...)].

siteselector indexing

mat[(; rowsites...), (; colsites...)]
mat[rowsel::SiteSelector, colsel::SiteSelector]

If we index an OrbitalSliceMatrix with s::NamedTuple or a siteselector(; s...), we obtain a new OrbitalSliceMatrix over the orbitals of the selected sites.

sites indexing

mat[sites(cell_index, site_indices)]
mat[sites(row_cell_index, row_site_indices), sites(col_cell_index, col_site_indices)]

If we index an OrbitalSliceMatrix with sites, we obtain an unwrapped Matrix over the sites with site_indices within cell with cell_index. Here site_indices can be an Int, a container of Int, or a : (for all sites in the unit cell). If any of the specified sites are not already in orbaxes(mat), indexing will throw an error.

Note that in this case we do not obtain a new OrbitalSliceMatrix. This behavior is required for performance, as re-wrapping in a new OrbitalSliceMatrix requires recomputing and allocating the new orbaxes.

view(mat, rows::CellSites, cols::Cellsites = rows)

Like the above, but returns a view instead of a copy of the indexed orbital matrix.

Note: diagonal indexing is currently not supported by OrbitalSliceArray.


julia> g = LP.linear() |> hamiltonian(hopping(SA[0 1; 1 0]) + onsite(I), orbitals = 2) |> supercell(4) |> greenfunction;

julia> mat = g(0.2)[region = r -> 2<=r[1]<=4]
6×6 OrbitalSliceMatrix{Matrix{ComplexF64}}:
 -1.93554e-9-0.545545im          0.0-0.0im               0.0-0.0im              -0.5+0.218218im          0.4+0.37097im           0.0+0.0im
         0.0-0.0im       -1.93554e-9-0.545545im         -0.5+0.218218im          0.0-0.0im               0.0+0.0im               0.4+0.37097im
         0.0-0.0im              -0.5+0.218218im  -1.93554e-9-0.545545im          0.0-0.0im               0.0+0.0im              -0.5+0.218218im
        -0.5+0.218218im          0.0-0.0im               0.0-0.0im       -1.93554e-9-0.545545im         -0.5+0.218218im          0.0+0.0im
         0.4+0.37097im           0.0+0.0im               0.0+0.0im              -0.5+0.218218im  -1.93554e-9-0.545545im          0.0-0.0im
         0.0+0.0im               0.4+0.37097im          -0.5+0.218218im          0.0+0.0im               0.0-0.0im       -1.93554e-9-0.545545im

julia> mat[(; cells = SA[1]), (; cells = SA[0])]
2×4 OrbitalSliceMatrix{Matrix{ComplexF64}}:
 0.4+0.37097im  0.0+0.0im       0.0+0.0im       -0.5+0.218218im
 0.0+0.0im      0.4+0.37097im  -0.5+0.218218im   0.0+0.0im

julia> mat[sites(SA[1], 1)]
2×2 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
 -1.93554e-9-0.545545im          0.0-0.0im
         0.0-0.0im       -1.93554e-9-0.545545im

See also

`siteselector`, `cellindices`, `orbaxes`
OrbitalSliceArray <: AbstractArray

A type of AbstractArray defined over a set of orbitals (see also orbaxes). It wraps a regular array that can be obtained with parent(::OrbitalSliceArray), and supports all the general AbstractArray interface. In addition, it also supports indexing using siteselectors and cellindices. OrbitalSliceVector and OrbitalSliceMatrix are special cases of OrbitalSliceArray of dimension 1 and 2 respectively.

This is the common output type produced by GreenFunctions and most observables.

Note that for m::OrbitalSliceMatrix, mat[i] is equivalent to mat[i,i], and mat[; sel...] is equivalent to mat[(; sel...), (; sel...)].

siteselector indexing

mat[(; rowsites...), (; colsites...)]
mat[rowsel::SiteSelector, colsel::SiteSelector]

If we index an OrbitalSliceMatrix with s::NamedTuple or a siteselector(; s...), we obtain a new OrbitalSliceMatrix over the orbitals of the selected sites.

sites indexing

mat[sites(cell_index, site_indices)]
mat[sites(row_cell_index, row_site_indices), sites(col_cell_index, col_site_indices)]

If we index an OrbitalSliceMatrix with sites, we obtain an unwrapped Matrix over the sites with site_indices within cell with cell_index. Here site_indices can be an Int, a container of Int, or a : (for all sites in the unit cell). If any of the specified sites are not already in orbaxes(mat), indexing will throw an error.

Note that in this case we do not obtain a new OrbitalSliceMatrix. This behavior is required for performance, as re-wrapping in a new OrbitalSliceMatrix requires recomputing and allocating the new orbaxes.

view(mat, rows::CellSites, cols::Cellsites = rows)

Like the above, but returns a view instead of a copy of the indexed orbital matrix.

Note: diagonal indexing is currently not supported by OrbitalSliceArray.


julia> g = LP.linear() |> hamiltonian(hopping(SA[0 1; 1 0]) + onsite(I), orbitals = 2) |> supercell(4) |> greenfunction;

julia> mat = g(0.2)[region = r -> 2<=r[1]<=4]
6×6 OrbitalSliceMatrix{Matrix{ComplexF64}}:
 -1.93554e-9-0.545545im          0.0-0.0im               0.0-0.0im              -0.5+0.218218im          0.4+0.37097im           0.0+0.0im
         0.0-0.0im       -1.93554e-9-0.545545im         -0.5+0.218218im          0.0-0.0im               0.0+0.0im               0.4+0.37097im
         0.0-0.0im              -0.5+0.218218im  -1.93554e-9-0.545545im          0.0-0.0im               0.0+0.0im              -0.5+0.218218im
        -0.5+0.218218im          0.0-0.0im               0.0-0.0im       -1.93554e-9-0.545545im         -0.5+0.218218im          0.0+0.0im
         0.4+0.37097im           0.0+0.0im               0.0+0.0im              -0.5+0.218218im  -1.93554e-9-0.545545im          0.0-0.0im
         0.0+0.0im               0.4+0.37097im          -0.5+0.218218im          0.0+0.0im               0.0-0.0im       -1.93554e-9-0.545545im

julia> mat[(; cells = SA[1]), (; cells = SA[0])]
2×4 OrbitalSliceMatrix{Matrix{ComplexF64}}:
 0.4+0.37097im  0.0+0.0im       0.0+0.0im       -0.5+0.218218im
 0.0+0.0im      0.4+0.37097im  -0.5+0.218218im   0.0+0.0im

julia> mat[sites(SA[1], 1)]
2×2 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
 -1.93554e-9-0.545545im          0.0-0.0im
         0.0-0.0im       -1.93554e-9-0.545545im

See also

`siteselector`, `cellindices`, `orbaxes`

Returns the position operator in the Wannier basis. It is given as a r::BarebonesOperator object, which can be indexed as r[s, s´] to obtain matrix elements ⟨s|R|s´⟩ of the position operator R (a vector). Here s and represent site indices, constructed with sites(cell, inds). To obtain the matrix between cells separated by dn::SVector{L,Int}, do r[dn]. The latter will throw an error if the dn harmonic is not present.

See also

`current`, `sites`

Build a new lattice or hamiltonian with the orientation of all Bravais vectors reversed.

See also

`reverse!`, `transform`

In-place version of reverse, inverts all Bravais vectors of lat_or_h.

See also

`reverse`, `transform`

Check whether h is Hermitian. This is not supported for h::ParametricHamiltonian, as the result can depend of the specific values of its parameters.

ExternalPresets.wannier90(filename::String; kw...)

Import a Wannier90 tight-binding file in the form of a w::EP.WannierBuilder object. It can be used to obtain a Hamiltonian with hamiltonian(w), and the matrix of the position operator with sites(w).

ExternalPresets.wannier90(filename, model::AbstractModel; kw...)

Modify the WannierBuilder after import by adding model to it.

push!(w::EP.WannierBuilder, modifier::AbstractModifier)
w |> modifier

Applies a modifier to w.


  • htol: skip matrix elements of the Hamiltonian smaller than this (in absolute value). Default: 1e-8
  • rtol: skip non-diagonal matrix elements of the position operator smaller than this (in absolute value). Default: 1e-8
  • dim: dimensionality of the embedding space for the Wannier orbitals, dropping trailing dimensions beyond dim if smaller than 3. Default: 3
  • latdim: dimensionality of the lattice, dropping trailing dimensions beyond latdim if smaller than 3. Should be latdim <= dim. Default: dim
  • type: override the real number type of the imported system. Default: Float64


julia> w = EP.wannier90("wannier_tb.dat", @onsite((; o) -> o);  htol = 1e-4, rtol = 1e-4, dim = 2, type = Float32)
WannierBuilder{Float32,2,2} : 2-dimensional Hamiltonian builder from Wannier90 input, with positions of type Float32 in 2D-dimensional space
  cells      : 151
  elements   : 6724
  modifiers  : 1

julia> h = hamiltonian(w)
ParametricHamiltonian{Float32,2,2}: Parametric Hamiltonian on a 2D Lattice in 2D space
  Bloch harmonics  : 151
  Harmonic size    : 10 × 10
  Orbitals         : [1]
  Element type     : scalar (ComplexF32)
  Onsites          : 10
  Hoppings         : 6704
  Coordination     : 670.4
  Parameters       : [:o]

julia> r = position(w)
BarebonesOperator{2}: a simple collection of 2D Bloch harmonics
  Bloch harmonics  : 151
  Harmonic size    : 10 × 10
  Element type     : SVector{2, ComplexF32}
  Nonzero elements : 7408

julia> r[sites(SA[0,0], 3), sites(SA[1,0],2)]
2-element SVector{2, ComplexF32} with indices SOneTo(2):
 -0.0016230071f0 - 0.00012927242f0im
   0.008038711f0 + 0.004102786f0im

See also

`hamiltonian`, `position`
attach(h::AbstractHamiltonian, args..; sites...)
attach(h::OpenHamiltonian, args...; sites...)

Build an h´::OpenHamiltonian by attaching (adding) a Σ::SelfEnergy to a finite number of sites in h specified by siteselector(; sites...). This also defines a "contact" on said sites that can be referred to (with index i::Integer for the i-th attached contact) when slicing Green functions later. Self-energies are taken into account when building the Green function g(ω) = (ω - h´ - Σ(ω))⁻¹ of the resulting , see greenfunction.

Self-energy forms

The different forms of args yield different types of self-energies Σ. Currently supported forms are:

attach(h, gs::GreenSlice, coupling::AbstractModel; transform = missing, sites...)

Adds a generic self-energy Σ(ω) = V´⋅gs(ω)⋅V on h's sites, where V and are couplings (given by coupling) between said sites and the LatticeSlice in gs (after applying transform to the latter). Allowed forms of gs include both g[bath_sites...] and g[contactind::Integer] where g is any GreenFunction.

attach(h, model::ParametricModel; sites...)

Add self-energy Σᵢⱼ(ω) defined by a model composed of parametric terms (@onsite and @hopping) with ω as first argument, as in e.g. @onsite((ω, r) -> Σᵢᵢ(ω, r)) and @hopping((ω, r, dr) -> Σᵢⱼ(ω, r, dr))

attach(h, nothing; sites...)

Add a nothing contact with a null self-energy Σᵢⱼ(ω) = 0 on selected sites, which in effect simply amounts to labeling those sites with a contact number, but does not lead to any dressing the Green function. This is useful for some GreenFunction solvers such as GS.KPM (see greenfunction), which need to know the sites of interest beforehand (the contact sites in this case).

attach(h, g1D::GreenFunction; reverse = false, transform = identity, sites...)

Add a self-energy Σ(ω) = h₋₁⋅g1D(ω)[surface]⋅h₁ corresponding to a semi-infinite 1D lead (i.e. with a finite boundary, see greenfunction), where h₁ and h₋₁ are intercell couplings, and g1D is the lead GreenFunction. The g1D(ω) is taken at the suface unitcell, either adjacent to the boundary on its positive side (if reverse = false) or on its negative side (if reverse = true). Note that reverse only flips the direction we extend the lattice to form the lead, but does not flip the unit cell (use transform for that). The positions of the selected sites in h must match, modulo an arbitrary displacement, those of the left or right unit cell surface of the lead (i.e. sites coupled to the adjacent unit cells), after applying transform to the latter. If they don't match, use the attach syntax below.

Advanced: If the g1D does not have any self-energies, the produced self-energy is in fact an ExtendedSelfEnergy, which is numerically more stable than a naive implementation of RegularSelfEnergy's, since g1D(ω)[surface] is never actually computed. Conversely, if g1D has self-energies attached, a RegularSelfEnergy is produced.

attach(h, g1D::GreenFunction, coupling::AbstractModel; reverse = false, transform = identity,  sites...)

Add a self-energy Σ(ω) = V´⋅g1D(ω)[surface]⋅V corresponding to a 1D lead (semi-infinite or infinite), but with couplings V and , defined by coupling, between sites and the surface lead unitcell (or the one with index zero if there is no boundary) . See also Advanced note above.


h |> attach(args...; sites...)

Curried form equivalent to attach(h, args...; sites...).


julia> # A graphene flake with two out-of-plane cubic-lattice leads

julia> g1D = LP.cubic(names = :C) |> hamiltonian(hopping(1)) |> supercell((0,0,1), region = RP.square(4)) |> greenfunction(GS.Schur(boundary = 0));

julia> coupling = hopping(1, range = 2);

julia> gdisk = HP.graphene(a0 = 1, dim = 3) |> supercell(region = RP.circle(10)) |> attach(g1D, coupling; region = RP.square(4)) |> attach(g1D, coupling; region = RP.square(4), reverse = true) |> greenfunction;

See also

`greenfunction`, `GreenSolvers`
bands(h::AbstractHamiltonian, xcolᵢ...; kw...)

Construct a Bandstructure object, which contains in particular a collection of continuously connected Subbands of h, obtained by diagonalizing the matrix h(ϕs; params...) on an M-dimensional mesh of points (x₁, x₂, ..., xₘ), where each xᵢ takes values in the collection xcolᵢ. The mapping between points in the mesh points and values of (ϕs; params...) is defined by keyword mapping (identity by default, see Keywords). Diagonalization is multithreaded and will use all available Julia threads (start session with julia -t N to have N threads).

bands(f::Function, xcolᵢ...; kw...)

Like the above using f(ϕs)::AbstractMatrix in place of h(ϕs; params...), and returning a Vector{<:Subband} instead of a Bandstructure object. This is provided as a lower level driver without the added slicing functionality of a full Bandstructure object, see below.

bands(h::AbstractHamiltonian; kw...)

Equivalent to bands(h::AbstractHamiltonian, xcolᵢ...; kw...) with a default xcolᵢ = subdiv(-π, π, 49).


  • solver: eigensolver to use for each diagonalization (see Eigensolvers). Default: ES.LinearAlgebra()
  • mapping: a function of the form (x, y, ...) -> ϕs or (x, y, ...) -> ftuple(ϕs...; params...) that translates points (x, y, ...) in the mesh to Bloch phases ϕs or phase+parameter FrankenTuples ftuple(ϕs...; params...). See also linecuts below. Default: identity
  • transform: function to apply to each eigenvalue after diagonalization. Default: identity
  • degtol::Real: maximum distance between to nearby eigenvalue so that they are classified as degenerate. Default: sqrt(eps)
  • split::Bool: whether to split bands into disconnected subbands. Default: true
  • projectors::Bool: whether to compute interpolating subspaces in each simplex (for use as GreenSolver). Default: true
  • warn::Bool: whether to emit warning when band dislocations are encountered. Default: true
  • showprogress::Bool: whether to show or not a progress bar. Default: true
  • defects: (experimental) a collection of extra points to add to the mesh, typically the location of topological band defects such as Dirac points, so that interpolation avoids creating dislocation defects in the bands. You need to also increase patches to repair the subband dislocations using the added defect vertices. Default: ()
  • patches::Integer: (experimental) if a dislocation is encountered, attempt to patch it by searching for the defect recursively to a given order, or using the provided defects (preferred). Default: 0


h |> bands(xcolᵢ...; kw...)

Curried form of bands equivalent to bands(h, xcolᵢ...; kw...)

Band linecuts

To do a linecut of a bandstructure along a polygonal path in the L-dimensional Brillouin zone, mapping a set of 1D points xs to a set of nodes, with pts interpolation points in each segment, one can use the following convenient syntax

bands(h, subdiv(xs, pts); mapping = (xs => nodes))

Here nodes can be a collection of SVector{L} or of named Brillouin zone points from the list (,:K, :K´, :M, :X, :Y, :Z). If mapping = nodes, then xs defaults to 0:length(nodes)-1. See also subdiv for its alternative methods.

Indexing and slicing


Extract i-th subband from b::Bandstructure. i can also be a Vector, an AbstractRange or any other argument accepted by getindex(subbands::Vector, i)


Compute a section of b::Bandstructure with a "plane" defined by slice = (ϕ₁, ϕ₂,..., ϕₗ[, ϵ]), where each ϕᵢ or ϵ can be a real number (representing a fixed momentum or energy) or a : (unconstrained along that dimension). For bands of an L-dimensional lattice, slice will be padded to an L+1-long tuple with : if necessary. The result is a collection of of sliced Subbands.


julia> phis = range(0, 2pi, length = 50); h = LP.honeycomb() |> hamiltonian(@hopping((; t = 1) -> t));

julia> bands(h(t = 1), phis, phis)
Bandstructure{Float64,3,2}: 3D Bandstructure over a 2-dimensional parameter space of type Float64
  Subbands  : 1
  Vertices  : 5000
  Edges     : 14602
  Simplices : 9588

julia> bands(h, phis, phis; mapping = (x, y) -> ftuple(0, x; t = y/2π))
Bandstructure{Float64,3,2}: 3D Bandstructure over a 2-dimensional parameter space of type Float64
  Subbands  : 1
  Vertices  : 4950
  Edges     : 14553
  Simplices : 9604

julia> bands(h(t = 1), subdiv((0, 2, 3), (20, 30)); mapping = (0, 2, 3) => (:Γ, :M, :K))
Bandstructure{Float64,2,1}: 2D Bandstructure over a 1-dimensional parameter space of type Float64
  Subbands  : 1
  Vertices  : 97
  Edges     : 96
  Simplices : 96

See also

`spectrum`, `subdiv`

Return the Bravais matrix of lattice lat or AbstractHamiltonian h, with Bravais vectors as its columns.


julia> lat = lattice(sublat((0,0)), bravais = ((1.0, 2), (3, 4)));

julia> bravais_matrix(lat)
2×2 SMatrix{2, 2, Float64, 4} with indices SOneTo(2)×SOneTo(2):
 1.0  3.0
 2.0  4.0

See also


If all lats have compatible Bravais vectors, combine them into a single lattice. If necessary, sublattice names are renamed to remain unique.

combine(hams::Hamiltonians...; coupling = TighbindingModel())

Combine a collection hams of Hamiltonians into one by combining their corresponding lattices, and optionally by adding a coupling between them, given by the hopping terms in coupling.

Note that the coupling model will be applied to the combined lattice (which may have renamed sublattices to avoid name collissions). However, only hopping terms between different hams blocks will be applied.


Currently, combine only works with Lattice{T} AbstractHamiltonians{T} with the same T. Furthermore, if any of the hams is a ParametricHamiltonian or coupling is a ParametricModel, the sublattice names of all hams must be distinct. This ensures that parametric models, which get applied through Modifiers after construction of the ParametricHamiltonian, are not applied to the wrong sublattice, since sublattice names could be renamed by combine if they are not unique. Therefore, be sure to choose unique sublattice names upon construction for all the hams to be combined (see lattice).


julia> # Building Bernal-stacked bilayer graphene

julia> hbot = HP.graphene(a0 = 1, dim = 3, names = (:A,:B));

julia> htop = translate(HP.graphene(a0 = 1, dim = 3, names = (:C,:D)), (0, 1/√3, 1/√3));

julia> h2 = combine(hbot, htop; coupling = hopping(1, sublats = :B => :C) |> plusadjoint)
Hamiltonian{Float64,3,2}: Hamiltonian on a 2D Lattice in 3D space
  Bloch harmonics  : 5
  Harmonic size    : 4 × 4
  Orbitals         : [1, 1, 1, 1]
  Element type     : scalar (ComplexF64)
  Onsites          : 0
  Hoppings         : 14
  Coordination     : 3.5

See also

conductance(gs::GreenSlice; nambu = false)

Given a slice gs = g[i::Integer, j::Integer] of a g::GreenFunction, build a partially evaluated object G::Conductance representing the zero-temperature, linear, differential conductance Gᵢⱼ = dIᵢ/dVⱼ between contacts i and j at arbitrary bias ω = eV in units of e^2/h. Gᵢⱼ is given by

  Gᵢⱼ =  e^2/h × Tr{[im*δᵢⱼ(gʳ-gᵃ)Γⁱ-gʳΓⁱgᵃΓʲ]}         (nambu = false)
  Gᵢⱼ =  e^2/h × Tr{[im*δᵢⱼ(gʳ-gᵃ)Γⁱτₑ-gʳΓⁱτ₃gᵃΓʲτₑ]}   (nambu = true)

Here gʳ = g(ω) and gᵃ = (gʳ)' = g(ω') are the retarded and advanced Green function of the system, and Γⁱ = im * (Σⁱ - Σⁱ') is the decay rate at contact i. For Nambu systems (nambu = true), the matrices τₑ=[I 0; 0 0] and τ₃ = [I 0; 0 -I] ensure that charge reversal in Andreev reflections is properly taken into account. For normal systems (nambu = false), the total current at finite bias and temperatures is given by $Iᵢ = e/h × ∫ dω ∑ⱼ [fᵢ(ω) - fⱼ(ω)] Gᵢⱼ(ω)$, where $fᵢ(ω)$ is the Fermi distribution in lead i.


  • nambu : whether to consider the Hamiltonian of the system is written in a Nambu basis, each site containing N electron orbitals followed by N hole orbitals.

Full evaluation

G(ω; params...)

Compute the conductance at the specified contacts.


julia> # A central system g0 with two 1D leads and transparent contacts

julia> glead = LP.square() |> hamiltonian(hopping(1)) |> supercell((1,0), region = r->-2<r[2]<2) |> greenfunction(GS.Schur(boundary = 0));

julia> g0 = LP.square() |> hamiltonian(hopping(1)) |> supercell(region = r->-2<r[2]<2 && r[1]≈0) |> attach(glead, reverse = true) |> attach(glead) |> greenfunction;

julia> G = conductance(g0[1])
Conductance{Float64}: Zero-temperature conductance dIᵢ/dVⱼ from contacts i,j, in units of e^2/h
  Current contact  : 1
  Bias contact     : 1

julia> G(0.2) ≈ 3

See also

`greenfunction`, `ldos`, `current`, `josephson`, `transmission`
current(h::AbstractHamiltonian; charge = -I, direction = 1)

Build an Operator object that behaves like a ParametricHamiltonian in regards to calls and getindex, but whose matrix elements are hoppings $im*(rⱼ-rᵢ)[direction]*charge*tⱼᵢ$, where tᵢⱼ are the hoppings in h. This operator is equal to $∂h/∂Aᵢ$, where Aᵢ is a gauge field along direction = i.

current(gs::GreenSlice; charge = -I, direction = missing)

Build Js::CurrentDensitySlice, a partially evaluated object representing the equilibrium local current density Jᵢⱼ(ω) at arbitrary energy ω from site j to site i, both taken from a specific lattice slice. The current is computed along a given direction (see Keywords).

current(gω::GreenSolution; charge = -I, direction = missing)

Build Jω::CurrentDensitySolution, as above, but for Jᵢⱼ(ω) at a fixed ω and arbitrary sites i, j. See also greenfunction for details on building a GreenSlice and GreenSolution.

The local current density is defined here as $Jᵢⱼ(ω) = (2/h) rᵢⱼ Re Tr[(Hᵢⱼgⱼᵢ(ω) - gᵢⱼ(ω)Hⱼᵢ) * charge]$, with the integrated local current given by $Jᵢⱼ = ∫ f(ω) Jᵢⱼ(ω) dω$. Here Hᵢⱼ is the hopping from site j at rⱼ to i at rᵢ, rᵢⱼ = rᵢ - rⱼ, charge is the charge of carriers in orbital space (see Keywords), and gᵢⱼ(ω) is the retarded Green function between said sites.


  • charge : for multiorbital sites, charge can be a general matrix, which allows to compute arbitrary currents, such as spin currents.
  • direction: as defined above, Jᵢⱼ(ω) is a vector. If direction is missing the norm |Jᵢⱼ(ω)| is returned. If it is an u::Union{SVector,Tuple}, u⋅Jᵢⱼ(ω) is returned. If an n::Integer, Jᵢⱼ(ω)[n] is returned.

Full evaluation

Js(ω; params...)

Given a partially evaluated Jω::CurrentDensitySolution or ρs::CurrentDensitySlice, build a sparse matrix Jᵢⱼ(ω) along the specified direction of fully evaluated local current densities.

Note: Evaluating the current density returns a SparseMatrixCSC currently, instead of a OrbitalSliceMatrix, since the latter is designed for dense arrays.


julia> # A semi-infinite 1D lead with a magnetic field `B`

julia> g = LP.square() |> supercell((1,0), region = r->-2<r[2]<2) |> hamiltonian(@hopping((r, dr; B = 0.1) -> cis(B * dr' * SA[r[2],-r[1]]))) |> greenfunction(GS.Schur(boundary = 0));

julia> J = current(g[cells = SA[1]])
CurrentDensitySlice{Float64} : current density at a fixed location and arbitrary energy
  charge      : LinearAlgebra.UniformScaling{Int64}(-1)
  direction   : missing

julia> J(0.2; B = 0.1)
3×3 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 4 stored entries:
  ⋅         0.0290138   ⋅
 0.0290138   ⋅         0.0290138
  ⋅         0.0290138   ⋅

julia> J(0.2; B = 0.0)
3×3 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 4 stored entries:
  ⋅           7.77156e-16   ⋅
 7.77156e-16   ⋅           5.55112e-16
  ⋅           5.55112e-16   ⋅

See also

`greenfunction`, `ldos`, `conductance`, `josephson`, `transmission`
densitymatrix(gs::GreenSlice; opts...)

Compute a ρ::DensityMatrix at thermal equilibrium on sites encoded in gs. The actual matrix for given system parameters params, and for a given chemical potential mu and temperature kBT is obtained by calling ρ(mu = 0, kBT = 0; params...). The algorithm used is specialized for the GreenSolver used, if available. In this case, opts are options for said algorithm.

densitymatrix(gs::GreenSlice, (ωmin, ωmax); opts..., quadgk_opts...)
densitymatrix(gs::GreenSlice, (ωpoints...); opts..., quadgk_opts...)

As above, but using a generic algorithm that relies on numerical integration along a contour in the complex plane, between points (ωmin, ωmax) (or along a polygonal path connecting ωpoints), which should be chosen so as to encompass the full system bandwidth. Keywords quadgk_opts are passed to the QuadGK.quadgk integration routine. See below for additiona opts.

densitymatrix(gs::GreenSlice, ωmax::Number; opts...)

As above with ωmin = -ωmax.

Full evaluation

ρ(μ = 0, kBT = 0; params...)   # where ρ::DensityMatrix

Evaluate the density matrix at chemical potential μ and temperature kBT (in the same units as the Hamiltonian) for the given g parameters params, if any. The result is given as an OrbitalSliceMatrix, see its docstring for further details.

Algorithms and keywords

The generic integration algorithm allows for the following opts (see also josephson):

  • omegamap: a function ω -> (; params...) that translates ω at each point in the integration contour to a set of system parameters. Useful for ParametricHamiltonians which include terms Σ(ω) that depend on a parameter ω (one would then use omegamap = ω -> (; ω)). Default: ω -> (;), i.e. no mapped parameters.
  • imshift: a small imaginary shift to add to the integration contour. Default: sqrt(eps) for the relevant number type.
  • post: a function to apply to the result of the integration. Default: identity.
  • slope: the integration contour is a sawtooth path connecting (ωmin, ωmax), or more generally ωpoints, which are usually real numbers encompasing the system's bandwidth. Between each pair of points the path increases and then decreases linearly with the given slope. Default: 1.0.

Currently, the following GreenSolvers implement dedicated densitymatrix algorithms:

  • GS.Spectrum: based on summation occupation-weigthed eigenvectors. No opts.
  • GS.KPM: based on the Chebyshev expansion of the Fermi function. Currently only works for zero temperature and only supports nothing contacts (see attach). No opts.


julia> g = HP.graphene(a0 = 1) |> supercell(region = RP.circle(10)) |> greenfunction(GS.Spectrum());

julia> ρ = densitymatrix(g[region = RP.circle(0.5)])
DensityMatrix: density matrix on specified sites with solver of type DensityMatrixSpectrumSolver

julia> ρ()  # with mu = kBT = 0 by default
2×2 OrbitalSliceMatrix{Matrix{ComplexF64}}:
       0.5+0.0im  -0.262865+0.0im
 -0.262865+0.0im        0.5+0.0im

Wrapper over indices args used to obtain the diagonal of a gω::GreenSolution. If d = diagonal(sel), then gω[d] = diag(gω[sel, sel]), although in most cases the computation is done more efficiently internally.


Returns the energies in sp as a vector of Numbers (not necessarily real). Equivalent to first(sp).

See also

`spectrum`, `bands`
greenfunction(h::Union{AbstractHamiltonian,OpenHamiltonian}, solver::AbstractGreenSolver)

Build a g::GreenFunction of Hamiltonian h using solver. See GreenSolvers for available solvers. If solver is not provided, a default solver is chosen automatically based on the type of h.


h |> greenfunction(solver)

Curried form equivalent to greenfunction(h, solver).

Partial evaluation

GreenFunctions allow independent, partial evaluation of their positions (producing a GreenSlice) and energy/parameters (producing a GreenSolution). Depending on the solver, this may avoid repeating calculations unnecesarily when sweeping over either of these with the other fixed.

g[siteselector(; ss...)]

Build a gs::GreenSlice that represents a Green function at arbitrary energy and parameter values, but at specific sites on the lattice defined by siteselector(; ss...), with ss::NamedTuple (see siteselector).


Build a GreenSlice equivalent to g[contact_sites...], where contact_sites... correspond to sites in contact number contact_index (must have 1<= contact_index <= number_of_contacts). See attach for details on attaching contacts to a Hamiltonian.


Build a GreenSlice over all contacts.

g[dst, src]

Build a gs::GreenSlice between sites specified by src and dst, which can take any of the forms above. Therefore, all the previous single-index slice forms correspond to a diagonal block g[i, i].

g[diagonal(i, kernel = missing)]

If kernel = missing, efficiently construct diag(g[i, i]). If kernel is a matrix, return tr(g[site, site] * kernel) over each site encoded in i. Note that if there are several orbitals per site, these will have different length (i.e. number of orbitals vs number of sites). See also diagonal.

g(ω; params...)

Build a gω::GreenSolution that represents a retarded Green function at arbitrary points on the lattice, but at fixed energy ω and system parameter values param. If ω is complex, the retarded or advanced Green function is returned, depending on sign(imag(ω)). If ω is Real, a small, positive imaginary part is automatically added internally to produce the retarded g.

gω[i, j]
gs(ω; params...)

For any gω::GreenSolution or gs::GreenSlice, build the Green function matrix fully evaluated at fixed energy, parameters and positions. The matrix is a dense m::OrbitalSliceMatrix with scalar element type, so that any orbital structure on each site is flattened. Note that the resulting m can itself be indexed over collections of sites with m[i, j], where i, j are siteselector(; ss...) or ss::NamedTuple.

view(gω, i::C, j::C == i)

For any gω::GreenSolution and C<:Union{Colon,Integer}, obtain a view (of type SubArray, not OrbitalSliceMatrix) of the corresponding intra or inter-contact propagator gω[i, j] with minimal allocations.

g(; params...)

For any g::Union{GreenFunction,GreenSlice}, produce a new GreenFunction or GreenSlice with all parameters fixed to params (or to their default values if not provided).


julia> g = LP.honeycomb() |> hamiltonian(@hopping((; t = 1) -> t)) |> supercell(region = RP.circle(10)) |> greenfunction(GS.SparseLU())
GreenFunction{Float64,2,0}: Green function of a Hamiltonian{Float64,2,0}
  Solver          : AppliedSparseLUGreenSolver
  Contacts        : 0
  Contact solvers : ()
  Contact sizes   : ()
  ParametricHamiltonian{Float64,2,0}: Parametric Hamiltonian on a 0D Lattice in 2D space
    Bloch harmonics  : 1
    Harmonic size    : 726 × 726
    Orbitals         : [1, 1]
    Element type     : scalar (ComplexF64)
    Onsites          : 0
    Hoppings         : 2098
    Coordination     : 2.88981
    Parameters       : [:t]

julia> gω = g(0.1; t = 2)
GreenSolution{Float64,2,0}: Green function at arbitrary positions, but at a fixed energy

julia> ss = (; region = RP.circle(2), sublats = :B);

julia> gs = g[ss]
GreenSlice{Float64,2,0}: Green function at arbitrary energy, but at a fixed lattice positions

julia> gω[ss] == gs(0.1; t = 2)

See also

`GreenSolvers`, `diagonal`, `ldos`, `conductance`, `current`, `josephson`
hamiltonian(lat::Lattice, model; orbitals = 1)

Create an AbstractHamiltonian (i.e. an Hamiltonian or ParametricHamiltonian) by applying model to the lattice lat (see onsite, @onsite, hopping and @hopping for details on building parametric and non-parametric tight-binding models).

hamiltonian(lat::Lattice, model, modifiers...; orbitals = 1)

Create a ParametricHamiltonian where all onsite and hopping terms in model can be parametrically modified through the provided parametric modifiers (see @onsite! and @hopping! for details on defining modifiers).

hamiltonian(h::AbstractHamiltonian, modifier, modifiers...)

Add modifiers to an existing AbstractHamiltonian.


Return the base (non-parametric) Hamiltonian of h, with all modifiers and parametric model terms removed (see @onsite, @hopping, @onsite!, @hopping!).


  • orbitals: number of orbitals per sublattice. If an Integer (or a Val{<:Integer} for type-stability), all sublattices will have the same number of orbitals. A collection of values indicates the orbitals on each sublattice.


lat |> hamiltonian(model[, modifiers...]; kw...)

Curried form of hamiltonian equivalent to hamiltonian(lat, model, modifiers...; kw...).

lat |> model

Alternative and less general curried form equivalent to hamiltonian(lat, model).

h |> modifier

Alternative and less general curried form equivalent to hamiltonian(h, modifier).



Return the Bloch harmonic of an h::AbstractHamiltonian in the form of a SparseMatrixCSC with complex scalar eltype. This matrix is "flat", in the sense that it contains matrix elements between individual orbitals, not sites. This distinction is only relevant for multiorbital Hamiltonians. To access the non-flattened matrix use h[unflat(dn)] (see also unflat).


Special syntax equivalent to h[(0...)], which access the fundamental Bloch harmonic.

h[i::CellSites, j::CellSites = i]

With i and j of type CellSites and constructed with sites([cell,] indices), return a SparseMatrixCSC block of h between the sites with the corresponding indices and in the given cells. Alternatively, one can also use view(h, i, j = i), which should be non-allocating for AbstractHamiltonians with uniform number of orbitals.

h[srow::SiteSelector, scol::SiteSelector = srow]
h[kwrow::NamedTuple, kwcol::NamedTuple = kwrow]

Return an OrbitalSliceMatrix of h between row and column sites selected by srow and scol, or by siteselector(; kwrow...) and siteselector(; kwcol...)

Note: CellSites and SiteSelectors can be mixed when indexing, in which case the matrix block will be returned as a SparseMatrixCSC, instead of an OrbitalSliceMatrix.

Call syntax

ph(; params...)

Return a h::Hamiltonian from a ph::ParametricHamiltonian by applying specific values to its parameters params. If ph is a non-parametric Hamiltonian instead, this is a no-op.

h(φs; params...)

Return the flat, sparse Bloch matrix of h::AbstractHamiltonian at Bloch phases φs, with applied parameters params if h is a ParametricHamiltonian. The Bloch matrix is defined as

    H = ∑_dn exp(-im φs⋅dn) H_dn

where H_dn = h[dn] is the dn flat Bloch harmonic of h, and φs[i] = k⋅aᵢ in terms of the wavevector k and the Bravais vectors aᵢ.


julia> h = hamiltonian(LP.honeycomb(), hopping(SA[0 1; 1 0], range = 1/√3), orbitals = 2)
Hamiltonian{Float64,2,2}: Hamiltonian on a 2D Lattice in 2D space
  Bloch harmonics  : 5
  Harmonic size    : 2 × 2
  Orbitals         : [2, 2]
  Element type     : 2 × 2 blocks (ComplexF64)
  Onsites          : 0
  Hoppings         : 6
  Coordination     : 3.0

julia> h((0,0))
4×4 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{ComplexF64, Int64} with 8 stored entries:
     ⋅          ⋅      0.0+0.0im  3.0+0.0im
     ⋅          ⋅      3.0+0.0im  0.0+0.0im
 0.0+0.0im  3.0+0.0im      ⋅          ⋅
 3.0+0.0im  0.0+0.0im      ⋅          ⋅

julia> h[sites(1), sites(2)]
2×2 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{ComplexF64, Int64} with 4 stored entries:
 0.0+0.0im  1.0+0.0im
 1.0+0.0im  0.0+0.0im

julia> ph = h |> @hopping!((t; p = 3) -> p*t); ph[region = RP.square(1)]
4×4 OrbitalSliceMatrix{SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{ComplexF64, Int64}}:
 0.0+0.0im  0.0+0.0im  0.0+0.0im  3.0+0.0im
 0.0+0.0im  0.0+0.0im  3.0+0.0im  0.0+0.0im
 0.0+0.0im  3.0+0.0im  0.0+0.0im  0.0+0.0im
 3.0+0.0im  0.0+0.0im  0.0+0.0im  0.0+0.0im

See also

`lattice`, `onsite`, `hopping`, `@onsite`, `@hopping`, `@onsite!`, `@hopping!`, `ishermitian`, `OrbitalSliceMatrix`
hopping(t; hops...)
hopping((r, dr) -> t(r, dr); hops...)

Build a TighbindingModel representing a uniform or a position-dependent hopping amplitude, respectively, on hops selected by hopselector(; hops...) (see hopselector for details).

Hops from a site at position r₁ to another at r₂ are described using the hop center r = (r₁ + r₂)/2 and the hop vector dr = r₂ - r₁. Hopping amplitudes t can be a Number (for hops between single-orbital sites), a UniformScaling (e.g. 2I) or an AbstractMatrix (use SMatrix for performance) of dimensions matching the number of orbitals in the selected sites. Models may be applied to a lattice lat to produce an Hamiltonian with hamiltonian(lat, model; ...), see hamiltonian. Position dependent models are forced to preserve the periodicity of the lattice.

hopping(m::Union{TighbindingModel,ParametricModel}; hops...)

Convert m into a new model with just hopping terms acting on hops.

Model algebra

Models can be combined using +, - and *, or conjugated with ', e.g. onsite(1) - 2 * hopping(1)'.


julia> model = hopping((r, dr) -> cis(dot(SA[r[2], -r[1]], dr)); dcells = (0,0)) + onsite(r -> rand())
TightbindingModel: model with 2 terms
    Region            : any
    Sublattice pairs  : any
    Cell distances    : (0, 0)
    Hopping range     : Neighbors(1)
    Reverse hops      : false
    Coefficient       : 1
    Region            : any
    Sublattices       : any
    Cells             : any
    Coefficient       : 1

julia> LP.honeycomb() |> supercell(2) |> hamiltonian(model)
Hamiltonian{Float64,2,2}: Hamiltonian on a 2D Lattice in 2D space
  Bloch harmonics  : 1
  Harmonic size    : 8 × 8
  Orbitals         : [1, 1]
  Element type     : scalar (ComplexF64)
  Onsites          : 8
  Hoppings         : 16
  Coordination     : 2.0

See also

`onsite`, `@onsite`, `@hopping`, `@onsite!`, `@hopping!`, `hamiltonian`, `plusadjoint`
hopselector(; range = neighbors(1), dcells = missing, sublats = missing, region = missing)

Return a HopSelector object that can be used to select a finite set of hops between sites in a lattice. Hops between two sites at positions r₁ = r - dr/2 and r₂ = r + dr, belonging to unit cells with a cell distance dn::SVector{L,Int} and to a sublattices with names s₁::Symbol and s₂::Symbol will be selected only if

`region(r, dr) && (s₁ => s₂ in sublats) && (dcell in dcells) && (norm(dr) <= range)`

If any of these is missing it will not be used to constraint the selection.


While range is usually a Real, and sublats and dcells are usually collections of Pair{Symbol}s and SVectors, respectively, they also admit other possibilities:

sublats = :A                       # Hops from :A to :A
sublats = :A => :B                 # Hops from :A to :B sublattices, but not from :B to :A
sublats = (:A => :B,)              # Same as above
sublats = (:A => :B, :C => :D)     # Hopping from :A to :B or :C to :D
sublats = (:A, :C) .=> (:B, :D)    # Broadcasted pairs, same as above
sublats = (:A, :C) => (:B, :D)     # Direct product, (:A=>:B, :A=>:D, :C=>:B, :C=>D)
sublats = 1 => 2                   # Hops from 1st to 2nd sublat. All the above patterns also admit Ints
sublats = (spec₁, spec₂, ...)      # Hops matching any of the specs with any of the above forms

dcells  = dn::SVector{L,Integer}   # Hops between cells separated by `dn`
dcells  = dn::NTuple{L,Integer}    # Hops between cells separated by `SVector(dn)`
dcells  = f::Function              # Hops between cells separated by `dn` such that `f(dn) == true`

range   = neighbors(n)             # Hops within the `n`-th nearest neighbor distance in the lattice
range   = (min, max)               # Hops at distance inside the `[min, max]` closed interval (bounds can also be `neighbors(n)`)


Although the constructor hopselector(; kw...) is exported, the end user does not usually need to call it directly. Instead, the keywords kw are input into different functions that allow filtering hops, which themselves call hopselector internally as needed. Some of these functions are

- hopping(...; kw...)   : hopping model term to be applied to site pairs specified by `kw`
- @hopping(...; kw...)  : parametric hopping model term to be applied to site pairs specified by `kw`
- @hopping!(...; kw...) : hopping modifier to be applied to site pairs specified by `kw`


julia> h = LP.honeycomb() |> hamiltonian(hopping(1, range = neighbors(2), sublats = (:A, :B) .=> (:A, :B)))
Hamiltonian{Float64,2,2}: Hamiltonian on a 2D Lattice in 2D space
  Bloch harmonics  : 7
  Harmonic size    : 2 × 2
  Orbitals         : [1, 1]
  Element type     : scalar (ComplexF64)
  Onsites          : 0
  Hoppings         : 12
  Coordination     : 6.0

julia> h = LP.honeycomb() |> hamiltonian(hopping(1, range = (neighbors(2), neighbors(3)), sublats = (:A, :B) => (:A, :B)))
Hamiltonian{Float64,2,2}: Hamiltonian on a 2D Lattice in 2D space
  Bloch harmonics  : 9
  Harmonic size    : 2 × 2
  Orbitals         : [1, 1]
  Element type     : scalar (ComplexF64)
  Onsites          : 0
  Hoppings         : 18
  Coordination     : 9.0

See also

`siteselector`, `lattice`, `hopping`, `@hopping`, `@hopping!`
josephson(gs::GreenSlice, ωmax; omegamap = ω -> (;), phases = missing, imshift = missing, slope = 1, post = real, atol = 1e-7, quadgk_opts...)

For a gs = g[i::Integer] slice of the g::GreenFunction of a hybrid junction, build a J::Josephson object representing the equilibrium (static) Josephson current I_J flowing into g through contact i, integrated from -ωmax to ωmax. The result of I_J is given in units of qe/h (q is the dimensionless carrier charge). I_J can be written as $I_J = Re ∫ dω f(ω) j(ω)$, where $j(ω) = (qe/h) × 2Tr[(ΣʳᵢGʳ - GʳΣʳᵢ)τz]$.

Full evaluation

J(kBT = 0; params...)   # where J::Josephson

Evaluate the current I_J at temperature kBT (in the same units as the Hamiltonian) for the given g parameters params, if any.


  • omegamap: a function ω -> (; params...) that translates ω at each point in the integration contour to a set of system parameters. Useful for ParametricHamiltonians which include terms Σ(ω) that depend on a parameter ω (one would then use omegamap = ω -> (; ω)). Default: ω -> (;), i.e. no mapped parameters.
  • phases : collection of superconducting phase biases to apply to the contact, so as to efficiently compute the full current-phase relation [I_J(ϕ) for ϕ in phases]. Note that each phase bias ϕ is applied by a [cis(-ϕ/2) 0; 0 cis(ϕ/2)] rotation to the self energy, which is almost free. If missing, a single I_J is returned.
  • imshift: if missing the initial and final integration points ± ωmax are shifted by im * sqrt(eps(ωmax)), to avoid the real axis. Otherwise a shift im*imshift is applied (may be zero if ωmax is greater than the bandwidth).
  • slope: if non-zero, the integration will be performed along a piecewise-linear path in the complex plane (-ωmax, -ωmax/2 * (1+slope*im), 0, ωmax/2 * (1+slope*im), ωmax), taking advantage of the holomorphic integrand f(ω) j(ω) and the Cauchy Integral Theorem for faster convergence.
  • post: function to apply to the result of ∫ dω f(ω) j(ω) to obtain the result, post = real by default.
  • atol: absolute integration tolerance. The default 1e-7 is chosen to avoid excessive integration times when the current is actually zero.
  • quadgk_opts : extra keyword arguments (other than atol) to pass on to the function QuadGK.quadgk that is used for the integration.


julia> glead = LP.square() |> hamiltonian(@onsite((; ω = 0) -> 0.0005 * SA[0 1; 1 0] + im*ω*I) + hopping(SA[1 0; 0 -1]), orbitals = 2) |> supercell((1,0), region = r->-2<r[2]<2) |> greenfunction(GS.Schur(boundary = 0));

julia> g0 = LP.square() |> hamiltonian(hopping(SA[1 0; 0 -1]), orbitals = 2) |> supercell(region = r->-2<r[2]<2 && r[1]≈0) |> attach(glead, reverse = true) |> attach(glead) |> greenfunction;

julia> J = josephson(g0[1], 4; omegamap = ω -> (;ω), phases = subdiv(0, pi, 10))
Josephson: equilibrium Josephson current at a specific contact using solver of type JosephsonIntegratorSolver

julia> J(0.0)
10-element Vector{Float64}:

See also

`greenfunction`,`ldos`, `current`, `conductance`, `transmission`
lattice(sublats::Sublat...; bravais = (), dim, type, names)
lattice(sublats::AbstractVector{<:Sublat}; bravais = (), dim, type, names)

Create a Lattice{T,E,L} from sublattices sublats, where L is the number of Bravais vectors given by bravais, T = type is the AbstractFloat type of spatial site coordinates, and dim = E is the spatial embedding dimension.

lattice(lat::Lattice; bravais = missing, dim = missing, type = missing, names = missing)

Create a new lattice by applying any non-missing keywords to lat.


Return the parent lattice of object x, of type e.g. LatticeSlice, Hamiltonian, etc.


  • bravais: a collection of one or more Bravais vectors of type NTuple{E} or SVector{E}. It can also be an AbstractMatrix of dimension E×L. The default bravais = () corresponds to a bounded lattice with no Bravais vectors.
  • names: a collection of Symbols. Can be used to rename sublats. Any repeated names will be replaced if necessary by :A, :B etc. to ensure that all sublattice names are unique.


lat[siteselector(; kw...)]

Indexing into a lattice lat with keywords returns LatticeSlice representing a finite collection of sites selected by siteselector(; kw...). See siteselector for details on possible kw, and sites to obtain site positions.


Special case equivalent to lat[cells = (0,...)] that returns a LatticeSlice of the zero-th unitcell.


With an i of type CellSites contructed with sites([cell,] indices), return a LatticeSlice of the corresponding sites.


julia> lat = lattice(sublat((0, 0)), sublat((0, 1)); bravais = (1, 0), type = Float32, dim = 3, names = (:up, :down))
Lattice{Float32,3,1} : 1D lattice in 3D space
  Bravais vectors : Vector{Float32}[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0]]
  Sublattices     : 2
    Names         : (:up, :down)
    Sites         : (1, 1) --> 2 total per unit cell

julia> lattice(lat; type = Float64, names = (:A, :B), dim = 2)
Lattice{Float64,2,1} : 1D lattice in 2D space
  Bravais vectors : [[1.0, 0.0]]
  Sublattices     : 2
    Names         : (:A, :B)
    Sites         : (1, 1) --> 2 total per unit cell

See also

`LatticePresets`, `sublat`, `sites`, `supercell`
ldos(gs::GreenSlice; kernel = I)

Build ρs::LocalSpectralDensitySlice, a partially evaluated object representing the local density of states ρᵢ(ω) at specific sites i but at arbitrary energy ω.

ldos(gω::GreenSolution; kernel = I)

Build ρω::LocalSpectralDensitySolution, as above, but for ρᵢ(ω) at a fixed ω and arbitrary sites i. See also greenfunction for details on building a GreenSlice and GreenSolution.

The local density of states is defined here as $ρᵢ(ω) = -Tr(gᵢᵢ(ω))/π$, where gᵢᵢ(ω) is the retarded Green function at a given site i.


  • kernel : for multiorbital sites, kernel allows to compute a generalized ldos ρᵢ(ω) = -Tr(gᵢᵢ(ω) * kernel)/π, where gᵢᵢ(ω) is the retarded Green function at site i and energy ω. If kernel = missing, the complete, orbital-resolved ldos is returned.

Full evaluation

ρs(ω; params...)

Given a partially evaluated ρω::LocalSpectralDensitySolution or ρs::LocalSpectralDensitySlice, build an OrbitalSliceVector [ρ₁(ω), ρ₂(ω)...] of fully evaluated local densities of states. See OrbitalSliceVector for further details.


julia> g = HP.graphene(a0 = 1, t0 = 1) |> supercell(region = RP.circle(20)) |> attach(nothing, region = RP.circle(1)) |> greenfunction(GS.KPM(order = 300, bandrange = (-3.1, 3.1)))
GreenFunction{Float64,2,0}: Green function of a Hamiltonian{Float64,2,0}
  Solver          : AppliedKPMGreenSolver
  Contacts        : 1
  Contact solvers : (SelfEnergyEmptySolver,)
  Contact sizes   : (6,)
  Hamiltonian{Float64,2,0}: Hamiltonian on a 0D Lattice in 2D space
    Bloch harmonics  : 1
    Harmonic size    : 2898 × 2898
    Orbitals         : [1, 1]
    Element type     : scalar (ComplexF64)
    Onsites          : 0
    Hoppings         : 8522
    Coordination     : 2.94065

julia> ldos(g(0.2))[1]
6-element OrbitalSliceVector{Vector{Float64}}:

julia> ldos(g(0.2))[1] == -imag.(g[diagonal(1; kernel = I)](0.2)) ./ π

See also

`greenfunction`, `diagonal`, `current`, `conductance`, `josephson`, `transmission`, `OrbitalSliceVector`

Create a Neighbors(n) object that represents a hopping range to distances corresponding to the n-th nearest neighbors in a given lattice, irrespective of their sublattice. Neighbors at equal distance do not count towards n.

neighbors(n::Int, lat::Lattice)

Obtain the actual nth-nearest-neighbot distance between sites in lattice lat.

See also

onsite(o; sites...)
onsite(r -> o(r); sites...)

Build a TighbindingModel representing a uniform or a position-dependent onsite potential, respectively, on sites selected by siteselector(; sites...) (see siteselector for details).

Site positions are r::SVector{E}, where E is the embedding dimension of the lattice. The onsite potential o can be a Number (for single-orbital sites), a UniformScaling (e.g. 2I) or an AbstractMatrix (use SMatrix for performance) of dimensions matching the number of orbitals in the selected sites. Models may be applied to a lattice lat to produce a Hamiltonian with hamiltonian(lat, model; ...), see hamiltonian. Position dependent models are forced to preserve the periodicity of the lattice.

onsite(m::{TighbindingModel,ParametricModel}; sites...)

Convert m into a new model with just onsite terms acting on sites.

Model algebra

Models can be combined using +, - and *, or conjugated with ', e.g. onsite(1) - 2 * hopping(1)'.


julia> model = onsite(r -> norm(r) * SA[0 1; 1 0]; sublats = :A) - hopping(I; range = 2)
TightbindingModel: model with 2 terms
    Region            : any
    Sublattices       : A
    Cells             : any
    Coefficient       : 1
    Region            : any
    Sublattice pairs  : any
    Cell distances    : any
    Hopping range     : 2.0
    Reverse hops      : false
    Coefficient       : -1

julia> LP.cubic() |> supercell(4) |> hamiltonian(model, orbitals = 2)
Hamiltonian{Float64,3,3}: Hamiltonian on a 3D Lattice in 3D space
  Bloch harmonics  : 27
  Harmonic size    : 64 × 64
  Orbitals         : [2]
  Element type     : 2 × 2 blocks (ComplexF64)
  Onsites          : 64
  Hoppings         : 2048
  Coordination     : 32.0

See also

`hopping`, `@onsite`, `@hopping`, `@onsite!`, `@hopping!`, `hamiltonian`

Returns a model t + t'. This is a convenience function analogous to the + h.c. notation.


julia> model = hopping(im, sublats = :A => :B) |> plusadjoint
TightbindingModel: model with 2 terms
    Region            : any
    Sublattice pairs  : :A => :B
    Cell distances    : any
    Hopping range     : Neighbors(1)
    Reverse hops      : false
    Coefficient       : 1
    Region            : any
    Sublattice pairs  : :A => :B
    Cell distances    : any
    Hopping range     : Neighbors(1)
    Reverse hops      : true
    Coefficient       : 1

julia> h = hamiltonian(LP.honeycomb(), model)
Hamiltonian{Float64,2,2}: Hamiltonian on a 2D Lattice in 2D space
  Bloch harmonics  : 5
  Harmonic size    : 2 × 2
  Orbitals         : [1, 1]
  Element type     : scalar (ComplexF64)
  Onsites          : 0
  Hoppings         : 6
  Coordination     : 3.0

julia> h((0,0))
2×2 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{ComplexF64, Int64} with 2 stored entries:
     ⋅      0.0-3.0im
 0.0+3.0im      ⋅
sites(lat::Lattice[, sublat])

Return a collection of site positions in the unit cell of lattice lat. If a sublat::Symbol or sublat::Int is specified, only sites for the specified sublattice are returned.


Return a collection of positions of a LatticeSlice, generally obtained by indexing a lattice lat[sel...] with some siteselector keywords sel. See also lattice.

Note: the returned collections can be of different types (vectors, generators, views...)

sites(cell_index, site_indices)

Construct a simple selector of sites, of type CellSites, with given site_indices in a given cell at cell_index. Here, site_indices can be an index, a collection of integers or : (for all sites), and cell_index should be a collection of L integers, where L is the lattice dimension. If omitted, cell_index defaults to the zero-th cell (0,...).

CellSites produced with sites can be used to index Lattices, AbstractHamiltonians, GreenFunctions, GreenSlices, OrbitalSliceArrays, etc. Note that selecting sites based on cell and site indices requires finding the indices beforehand, which can be done e.g. through plotting the system with qplot. This is lower level and potentially more fragile than using siteselectors, as indices are chosen freely by Quantica in an unspecified way, but it does have a smaller overhead.


julia> sites(LatticePresets.honeycomb(), :A)
1-element view(::Vector{SVector{2, Float64}}, 1:1) with eltype SVector{2, Float64}:
 [0.0, -0.2886751345948129]

See also

`lattice`, `siteselector`
siteselector(; region = missing, sublats = missing, cells = missing)

Return a SiteSelector object that can be used to select a finite set of sites in a lattice. Sites at position r::SVector{E}, belonging to a cell of index n::SVector{L,Int} and to a sublattice with name s::Symbol will be selected only if

`region(r) && s in sublats && n in cells`

Any missing region, sublat or cells will not be used to constraint the selection.


While sublats and cells are usually collections of Symbols and SVectors, respectively, they also admit other possibilities:

  • If either cells or sublats are a single cell or sublattice, they will be treated as single-element collections
  • If sublat is a collection of Integers, it will refer to sublattice numbers.
  • If cells is an i::Integer, it will be converted to an SVector{1}
  • If cells is a collection, each element will be converted to an SVector.
  • If cells is a boolean function, n in cells will be the result of cells(n)


Although the constructor siteselector(; kw...) is exported, the end user does not usually need to call it directly. Instead, the keywords kw are input into different functions that allow filtering sites, which themselves call siteselector internally as needed. Some of these functions are

  • getindex(lat::Lattice; kw...) : return a LatticeSlice with sites specified by kw (also lat[kw...])
  • supercell(lat::Lattice; kw...) : returns a bounded lattice with the sites specified by kw
  • onsite(...; kw...) : onsite model term to be applied to sites specified by kw
  • @onsite!(...; kw...) : onsite modifier to be applied to sites specified by kw

See also

`hopselector`, `lattice`, `supercell`, `onsite`, `@onsite`, `@onsite!`
spectrum(h::AbstractHamiltonian, ϕs; solver = EigenSolvers.LinearAlgebra(), transform = missing, params...)

Compute the Spectrum of the Bloch matrix h(ϕs; params...) using the specified eigensolver, with transform applied to the resulting eigenenergies, if not missing. Eigenpairs are sorted by the real part of their energy. See EigenSolvers for available solvers and their options.

spectrum(h::AbstractHamiltonian; kw...)

For a 0D h, equivalent to spectrum(h, (); kw...)

spectrum(m::AbstractMatrix; solver = EigenSolvers.LinearAlgebra()], transform = missing)

Compute the Spectrum of matrix m using solver and transform.

spectrum(b::Bandstructure, ϕs)

Compute the Spectrum corresponding to slicing the bandstructure b at point ϕs of its base mesh (see bands for details).

Indexing and destructuring

Eigenenergies ϵs::Tuple and eigenstates ψs::Matrix can be extracted from a spectrum sp using any of the following

ϵs, ψs = sp
ϵs = first(sp)
ϵs = energies(sp)
ψs = last(sp)
ψs = states(sp)

In addition, one can extract the n eigenpairs closest (in real energy) to a given energy ϵ₀ with

ϵs, ψs = sp[1:n, around = ϵ₀]

More generally, sp[inds, around = ϵ₀] will take the eigenpairs at position given by inds after sorting by increasing distance to ϵ₀, or the closest eigenpair in inds is missing. If around is omitted, the ordering in sp is used.


julia> h = HP.graphene(t0 = 1); spectrum(h, (0,0))
Spectrum{Float64,ComplexF64} :
2-element Vector{ComplexF64}:
 -2.9999999999999982 + 0.0im
  2.9999999999999982 + 0.0im
2×2 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
 -0.707107+0.0im  0.707107+0.0im
  0.707107+0.0im  0.707107+0.0im

See also

`EigenSolvers`, `bands`

Returns the eigenstates in sp as columns of a matrix. Equivalent to last(sp).

See also

`spectrum`, `bands`
subdiv((x₁, x₂, ..., xₙ), (p₁, p₂, ..., pₙ₋₁))

Build a vector of values between x₁ and xₙ containing all xᵢ such that in each interval [xᵢ, xᵢ₊₁] there are pᵢ equally space values.

subdiv((x₁, x₂, ..., xₙ), p)

Same as above with all pᵢ = p

subdiv(x₁, x₂, p)

Equivalent to subdiv((x₁, x₂), p) == collect(range(x₁, x₂, length = p))

sublat(sites...; name::Symbol = :A)
sublat(sites::AbstractVector; name::Symbol = :A)

Create a Sublat{E,T} that adds a sublattice, of name name, with sites at positions sites in E dimensional space. Sites positions can be entered as Tuples or SVectors.


julia> sublat((0.0, 0), (1, 1), (1, -1), name = :A)
Sublat{2,Float64} : sublattice of Float64-typed sites in 2D space
  Sites    : 3
  Name     : :A
supercell(lat::Lattice{E,L}, v::NTuple{L,Integer}...; seed = missing, kw...)
supercell(lat::Lattice{E,L}, uc::SMatrix{L,L´,Int}; seed = missing, kw...)

Generate a new Lattice from an L-dimensional lattice lat with a larger unit cell, such that its Bravais vectors are br´= br * uc. Here uc::SMatrix{L,L´,Int} is the integer supercell matrix, with the vectors vs as its columns. If no v are given, the new lattice will have no Bravais vectors (i.e. it will be bounded, with its shape determined by keywords kw...). Likewise, if L´ < L, the resulting lattice will be bounded along L´ - L directions, as dictated by kw....

Only sites selected by siteselector(; kw...) will be included in the supercell (see siteselector for details on the available keywords kw). If no keyword region is given in kw, a single Bravais unit cell perpendicular to the v axes will be selected along the L-L´ bounded directions.

supercell(lattice::Lattice{E,L}, factors::Integer...; seed = missing, kw...)

Call supercell with different scaling along each Bravais vector, so that supercell matrix uc is Diagonal(factors). If a single factor is given, uc = SMatrix{L,L}(factor * I)

supercell(h::Hamiltonian, v...; mincoordination = 0, seed = missing, kw...)

Transform the Lattice of h to have a larger unit cell, while expanding the Hamiltonian accordingly.


  • seed::NTuple{L,Integer}: starting cell index to perform search of included sites. By default seed = missing, which makes search start from the zero-th cell.
  • mincoordination::Integer: minimum number of nonzero hopping neighbors required for sites to be included in the supercell. Sites with less coordination will be removed recursively, until all remaining sites satisfy mincoordination.


lat_or_h |> supercell(v...; kw...)

Curried syntax, equivalent to supercell(lat_or_h, v...; kw...)


julia> LatticePresets.square() |> supercell((1, 1), region = r -> 0 < r[1] < 5)
Lattice{Float64,2,1} : 1D lattice in 2D space
  Bravais vectors : [[1.0, 1.0]]
  Sublattices     : 1
    Names         : (:A,)
    Sites         : (8,) --> 8 total per unit cell

julia> LatticePresets.honeycomb() |> supercell(3)
Lattice{Float64,2,2} : 2D lattice in 2D space
  Bravais vectors : [[1.5, 2.598076], [-1.5, 2.598076]]
  Sublattices     : 2
    Names         : (:A, :B)
    Sites         : (9, 9) --> 18 total per unit cell

See also

`supercell`, `siteselector`
torus(h::AbstractHamiltonian, (ϕ₁, ϕ₂,...))

For an h of lattice dimension L and a set of L Bloch phases ϕ = (ϕ₁, ϕ₂,...), contruct a new h´::AbstractHamiltonian on a bounded torus, i.e. with all Bravais vectors eliminated by stitching the lattice onto itself along the corresponding Bravais vector. Intercell hoppings along stitched directions will pick up a Bloch phase exp(-iϕ⋅dn).

If a number of phases ϕᵢ are : instead of numbers, the corresponding Bravais vectors will not be stitched, and the resulting will have a finite lattice dimension .


h |> torus((ϕ₁, ϕ₂,...))

Currying syntax equivalent to torus(h, (ϕ₁, ϕ₂,...)).


julia> h2D = HP.graphene(); h1D = torus(h2D, (:, 0.2))
Hamiltonian{Float64,2,1}: Hamiltonian on a 1D Lattice in 2D space
  Bloch harmonics  : 3
  Harmonic size    : 2 × 2
  Orbitals         : [1, 1]
  Element type     : scalar (ComplexF64)
  Onsites          : 0
  Hoppings         : 4
  Coordination     : 2.0

julia> h2D((0.3, 0.2)) ≈ h1D(0.3)

See also

`hamiltonian`, `supercell`
transform(lat_or_h::Union{Lattice,AbstractHamiltonian}, f::Function)

Build a new lattice or hamiltonian transforming each site positions r into f(r).


x |> transform(f::Function)

Curried version of transform, equivalent to transform(f, x)

Note: Unexported Quantica.transform! is also available for in-place transforms. Use with care, as aliasing (i.e. several objects sharing the modified one) can produce unexpected results.


julia> LatticePresets.square() |> transform(r -> 3r)
Lattice{Float64,2,2} : 2D lattice in 2D space
  Bravais vectors : [[3.0, 0.0], [0.0, 3.0]]
  Sublattices     : 1
    Names         : (:A,)
    Sites         : (1,) --> 1 total per unit cell

See also

`translate`, `reverse`, `reverse!`
translate(lat::Lattice, δr)

Build a new lattice translating each site positions from r to r + δr, where δr can be a NTuple or an SVector in embedding space.


x |> translate(δr)

Curried version of translate, equivalent to translate(x, δr)

Note: Unexported Quantica.translate! is also available for in-place translations. Use with care, as aliasing (i.e. several objects sharing the modified one) can produce unexpected results.


julia> LatticePresets.square() |> translate((3,3)) |> sites
1-element Vector{SVector{2, Float64}}:
 [3.0, 3.0]

See also

`transform`, `reverse`, `reverse!`

Given a slice gs = g[i::Integer, j::Integer] of a g::GreenFunction, build a partially evaluated object T::Transmission representing the normal transmission probability Tᵢⱼ(ω) from contact j to i at energy ω. It can be written as $Tᵢⱼ = Tr{gʳΓⁱgᵃΓʲ}$. Here gʳ = g(ω) and gᵃ = (gʳ)' = g(ω') are the retarded and advanced Green function of the system, and Γⁱ = im * (Σⁱ - Σⁱ') is the decay rate at contact i

Full evaluation

T(ω; params...)

Compute the transmission Tᵢⱼ(ω) at a given ω and for the specified params of g.


julia> # A central system g0 with two 1D leads and transparent contacts

julia> glead = LP.square() |> hamiltonian(hopping(1)) |> supercell((1,0), region = r->-2<r[2]<2) |> greenfunction(GS.Schur(boundary = 0));

julia> g0 = LP.square() |> hamiltonian(hopping(1)) |> supercell(region = r->-2<r[2]<2 && r[1]≈0) |> attach(glead, reverse = true) |> attach(glead) |> greenfunction;

julia> T = transmission(g0[2, 1])
Transmission: total transmission between two different contacts
  From contact  : 1
  To contact    : 2

julia> T(0.2) ≈ 3   # The difference from 3 is due to the automatic `im*sqrt(eps(Float64))` added to `ω`

julia> T(0.2 + 1e-10im) ≈ 3

See also

`greenfunction`, `conductance`, `ldos`, `current`, `josephson`

Construct an u::Unflat object wrapping some indices dn. This object is meant to be used to index into a h::AbstractHamiltonian as h[u], which returns an non-flattened version of the Bloch harmonic h[dn]. Each element in the matrix h[u] is an SMatrix block representing onsite or hoppings between whole sites, in contrast to h[dn] where they are scalars representing single orbitals. This is only relevant for multi-orbital Hamiltonians h.


Equivalent to unflat(())


julia> h = HP.graphene(orbitals = 2); h[unflat(0,0)]
2×2 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{SMatrix{2, 2, ComplexF64, 4}, Int64} with 2 stored entries:
                     ⋅                       [2.7+0.0im 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im 2.7+0.0im]
 [2.7+0.0im 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im 2.7+0.0im]                      ⋅
@hopping((; params...) -> t(; params...); hops...)
@hopping((r, dr; params...) -> t(r; params...); hops...)

Build a ParametricModel representing a uniform or a position-dependent hopping amplitude, respectively, on hops selected by hopselector(; hops...) (see hopselector for details).

Hops from a site at position r₁ to another at r₂ are described using the hop center r = (r₁ + r₂)/2 and the hop vector dr = r₂ - r₁. Hopping amplitudes t can be a Number (for hops between single-orbital sites), a UniformScaling (e.g. 2I) or an AbstractMatrix (use SMatrix for performance) of dimensions matching the number of site orbitals in the selected sites. Parametric models may be applied to a lattice lat to produce a ParametricHamiltonian with hamiltonian(lat, model; ...), see hamiltonian. Position dependent models are forced to preserve the periodicity of the lattice.

The difference between regular and parametric tight-binding models (see onsite and hopping) is that parametric models may depend on arbitrary parameters, specified by the params keyword arguments. These are inherited by h::ParametricHamiltonian, which can then be evaluated very efficiently for different parameter values by callling h(; params...), to obtain a regular Hamiltonian without reconstructing it from scratch.

@hopping((ω; params...) -> Σᵢⱼ(ω; params...); hops...)
@hopping((ω, r, dr; params...) -> Σᵢⱼ(ω, r, dr; params...); hops...)

Special form of a parametric hopping amplitude meant to model a self-energy (see attach).

@hopping((i, j; params...) --> ...; sites...)
@hopping((ω, i, j; params...) --> ...; sites...)

The --> syntax allows to treat the arguments i, j as a site indices, instead of a positions. Here i is the destination (row) and j the source (column) site. In fact, the type of i and j is CellSitePos, so they can be used to index OrbitalSliceArrays (see doctrings for details). The functions pos(i), cell(i) and ind(i) yield the position, cell and site index of the site. This syntax is useful to implement models that depend on observables (in the form of OrbitalSliceArrays), like in self-consistent mean field calculations.

Model algebra

Parametric models can be combined using +, - and *, or conjugated with ', e.g. @onsite((; o=1) -> o) - 2 * hopping(1)'. The combined parametric models can share parameters.


julia> model = @hopping((r, dr; t = 1, A = Returns(SA[0,0])) -> t * cis(-dr' * A(r)))
ParametricModel: model with 1 term
    Region            : any
    Sublattice pairs  : any
    Cell distances    : any
    Hopping range     : Neighbors(1)
    Reverse hops      : false
    Coefficient       : 1
    Argument type     : spatial
    Parameters        : [:t, :A]

julia> LP.honeycomb() |> supercell(2) |> hamiltonian(model)
ParametricHamiltonian{Float64,2,2}: Parametric Hamiltonian on a 2D Lattice in 2D space
  Bloch harmonics  : 5
  Harmonic size    : 8 × 8
  Orbitals         : [1, 1]
  Element type     : scalar (ComplexF64)
  Onsites          : 0
  Hoppings         : 24
  Coordination     : 3.0
  Parameters       : [:A, :t]

See also

`onsite`, `hopping`, `@onsite`, `@onsite!`, `@hopping!`, `attach`, `hamiltonian`, `OrbitalSliceArray`
@hopping!((t; params...) -> t´(t; params...); hops...)
@hopping!((t, r, dr; params...) -> t´(t, r, dr; params...); hops...)

Build a uniform or position-dependent hopping term modifier, respectively, acting on hops selected by hopselector(; hops...) (see hopselector for details).

Hops from a site at position r₁ to another at r₂ are described using the hop center r = (r₁ + r₂)/2 and the hop vector dr = r₂ - r₁. The original hopping amplitude is t, and the modified hopping is , which is a function of t and possibly r, dr. It may optionally also depend on parameters, enconded in params.

Modifiers are meant to be applied to an h:AbstractHamiltonian to obtain a ParametricHamiltonian (with hamiltonian(h, modifiers...) or hamiltonian(lat, model, modifiers...), see hamiltonian). Modifiers will affect only pre-existing model terms. In particular, if no onsite model has been applied to a specific site, its onsite potential will be zero, and will not be modified by any @onsite! modifier. Conversely, if an onsite model has been applied, @onsite! may modify the onsite potential even if it is zero. The same applies to @hopping!.

@hopping!((t, i, j; params...) --> ...; sites...)

The --> syntax allows to treat the arguments i, j as a site indices, instead of a positions. Here i is the destination (row) and j the source (column) site. In fact, the type of i and j is CellSitePos, so they can be used to index OrbitalSliceArrays (see doctrings for details). The functions pos(i), cell(i) and ind(i) yield the position, cell and site index of the site. This syntax is useful to implement models that depend on observables (in the form of OrbitalSliceArrays), like in self-consistent mean field calculations.


julia> model = hopping(1); peierls = @hopping!((t, r, dr; A = r -> SA[0,0]) -> t * cis(-dr' * A(r)))
  Region            : any
  Sublattice pairs  : any
  Cell distances    : any
  Hopping range     : Inf
  Reverse hops      : false
  Argument type     : spatial
  Parameters        : [:A]

julia> LP.honeycomb() |> hamiltonian(model) |> supercell(10) |> hamiltonian(peierls)
ParametricHamiltonian{Float64,2,2}: Parametric Hamiltonian on a 2D Lattice in 2D space
  Bloch harmonics  : 5
  Harmonic size    : 200 × 200
  Orbitals         : [1, 1]
  Element type     : scalar (ComplexF64)
  Onsites          : 0
  Hoppings         : 600
  Coordination     : 3.0
  Parameters       : [:A]

See also

`onsite`, `hopping`, `@onsite`, `@hopping`, `@onsite!`, `hamiltonian`, `OrbitalSliceArray`
@onsite((; params...) -> o(; params...); sites...)
@onsite((r; params...) -> o(r; params...); sites...)

Build a ParametricModel representing a uniform or a position-dependent onsite potential, respectively, on sites selected by siteselector(; sites...) (see siteselector for details).

Site positions are r::SVector{E}, where E is the embedding dimension of the lattice. The onsite potential o can be a Number (for single-orbital sites), a UniformScaling (e.g. 2I) or an AbstractMatrix (use SMatrix for performance) of dimensions matching the number of orbitals in the selected sites. Parametric models may be applied to a lattice lat to produce a ParametricHamiltonian with hamiltonian(lat, model; ...), see hamiltonian. Position dependent models are forced to preserve the periodicity of the lattice.

The difference between regular and parametric tight-binding models (see onsite and hopping) is that parametric models may depend on arbitrary parameters, specified by the params keyword arguments. These are inherited by h::ParametricHamiltonian, which can then be evaluated very efficiently for different parameter values by callling h(; params...), to obtain a regular Hamiltonian without reconstructing it from scratch.

@onsite((ω; params...) -> Σᵢᵢ(ω; params...); sites...)
@onsite((ω, r; params...) -> Σᵢᵢ(ω, r; params...); sites...)

Special form of a parametric onsite potential meant to model a self-energy (see attach).

@onsite((i; params...) --> ...; sites...)
@onsite((ω, i; params...) --> ...; sites...)

The --> syntax allows to treat the argument i as a site index, instead of a position. In fact, the type of i is CellSitePos, so they can be used to index OrbitalSliceArrays (see doctrings for details). The functions pos(i), cell(i) and ind(i) yield the position, cell and site index of the site. This syntax is useful to implement models that depend on observables (in the form of OrbitalSliceArrays), like in self-consistent mean field calculations.

Model algebra

Parametric models can be combined using +, - and *, or conjugated with ', e.g. @onsite((; o=1) -> o) - 2 * hopping(1)'. The combined parametric models can share parameters.


julia> model = @onsite((r; dμ = 0) -> (r[1] + dμ) * I; sublats = :A) + @onsite((; dμ = 0) -> - dμ * I; sublats = :B)
ParametricModel: model with 2 terms
    Region            : any
    Sublattices       : A
    Cells             : any
    Coefficient       : 1
    Argument type     : spatial
    Parameters        : [:dμ]
    Region            : any
    Sublattices       : B
    Cells             : any
    Coefficient       : 1
    Argument type     : spatial
    Parameters        : [:dμ]

julia> LP.honeycomb() |> supercell(2) |> hamiltonian(model, orbitals = 2)
ParametricHamiltonian{Float64,2,2}: Parametric Hamiltonian on a 2D Lattice in 2D space
  Bloch harmonics  : 1
  Harmonic size    : 8 × 8
  Orbitals         : [2, 2]
  Element type     : 2 × 2 blocks (ComplexF64)
  Onsites          : 8
  Hoppings         : 0
  Coordination     : 0.0
  Parameters       : [:dμ]

See also

`onsite`, `hopping`, `@hopping`, `@onsite!`, `@hopping!`, `attach`, `hamiltonian`, `OrbitalSliceArray`
@onsite!((o; params...) -> o´(o; params...); sites...)
@onsite!((o, r; params...) -> o´(o, r; params...); sites...)

Build a uniform or position-dependent onsite term modifier, respectively, acting on sites selected by siteselector(; sites...) (see siteselector for details).

Site positions are r::SVector{E}, where E is the embedding dimension of the lattice. The original onsite potential is o, and the modified potential is , which is a function of o and possibly r. It may optionally also depend on parameters, enconded in params.

Modifiers are meant to be applied to an h:AbstractHamiltonian to obtain a ParametricHamiltonian (with hamiltonian(h, modifiers...) or hamiltonian(lat, model, modifiers...), see hamiltonian). Modifiers will affect only pre-existing model terms. In particular, if no onsite model has been applied to a specific site, its onsite potential will be zero, and will not be modified by any @onsite! modifier. Conversely, if an onsite model has been applied, @onsite! may modify the onsite potential even if it is zero. The same applies to @hopping!.

@onsite((o, i; params...) --> ...; sites...)

The --> syntax allows to treat the argument i as a site index, instead of a position. In fact, the type of i is CellSitePos, so they can be used to index OrbitalSliceArrays (see doctrings for details). The functions pos(i), cell(i) and ind(i) yield the position, cell and site index of the site. This syntax is useful to implement models that depend on observables (in the form of OrbitalSliceArrays), like in self-consistent mean field calculations.


julia> model = onsite(0); disorder = @onsite!((o; W = 0) -> o + W * rand())
  Region            : any
  Sublattices       : any
  Cells             : any
  Argument type     : spatial
  Parameters        : [:W]

julia> LP.honeycomb() |> hamiltonian(model) |> supercell(10) |> hamiltonian(disorder)
ParametricHamiltonian{Float64,2,2}: Parametric Hamiltonian on a 2D Lattice in 2D space
  Bloch harmonics  : 1
  Harmonic size    : 200 × 200
  Orbitals         : [1, 1]
  Element type     : scalar (ComplexF64)
  Onsites          : 200
  Hoppings         : 0
  Coordination     : 0.0
  Parameters       : [:W]

See also

`onsite`, `hopping`, `@onsite`, `@hopping`, `@hopping!`, `hamiltonian`, `OrbitalSliceArray`